The Changing Nature of International Aid

Project Summary

COVID-19 and the 2020 racial justice movement both amplified the need for international aid and challenged the legitimacy and effectiveness of current aid activities, necessitating a widespread “rethink” of international aid policy and practice. RIPIL supported this effort through a series of workshops that identified and explored pressing research questions on the role of international aid today. The workshops focused on: (1) the changing ways in which recipient governments engage with international donors; (2) the interactions between international aid actors and non-state armed groups when providing aid and social services; (3) the practical implications of decolonizing aid, and (4) the changing nature of US foreign assistance.



  • $34,500 (HU)

  • $20,000 (the Platform)

Principal Investigator(s)


Project Manager(s)

Related Publications

Project Status

Further publications forthcoming

Cover image of project: photo credit


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